There is the problem right there.
Employees today don’t want to be told what to do; they want to be involved in the solutions and they want to express their ideas.
This is good.
This is healthy.
But you may not think so.
You may just want then to follow your lead.
They will, under duress, but you’ll get a mediocre effort.
Here’s how to get buy in and get it done, whatever the marketing task may be.
Gather them all together.Take their cell phones and computers, laptops and I pads.
Put them in a box on the side of the room.
Yes, you will turn them off and promise to give them back at the end of the meeting.
Get a big white pad and an easel.
Write these questions down
Whatever your budget is in time and money, spend at least 5% of your time and money on making sure this “spec” is as complete as possible.
Your staff will like this process allot.
They will feel empowered.
And more importantly you’ll get better ideas…which will lead to better results.
Fred Kaplowitz
Kaploe Group
6321 Stockbridge Overlook Court
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Cell: 516-359-4874
Email Fredkaplowitz@Gmail.Com